
Manager Magazin: "Weber is world market leader"

Base of this admittance was a study of the German economist Prof. Bernd Venohr. Together with his team the scientist and business expert found out in several years of studying and monitoring the market that Weber is the leading player in the field of slicers.

'Being on the spot early, being steady in course and offering individual products', these are the three main aspects for success that all German world market leaders have in common. In actual fact: taking Weber Maschinenbau as an example this formula definitely proves its validity. The first computer controlled slicer was introduced already in 1986. That early in the field of slicers Weber belonged to the pioneers of the industry. Of course the company steadily kept the path of success with new developments consequently in the previous quarter-century. Finally, it is almost a natural fact that the Weber machines installed in production sites of clients are almost always tailored solutions. This is a result of the company's special feature, the close contact and cooperation with customers.

Furthermore the study sees the very special kind of management and the perfect team play between executive boards end employees in Germany as an essential element for rising to the top of the world. And here again Weber Maschinenbau stands out as a brilliant example without any exception - whether one is regarding the three manufacturing sites in Germany or the subsidiaries in Europe and the USA. The philosophy 'always in close proximity to the customers', and in result of that the international commitment should not be underestimated as key factors for success as well. Ultimately, only a company that understands the very special needs and demands of the different national markets of the world and reacts accordingly to those enjoys popularity among customers and prospects worldwide.